#Lifewitholddogs Podcast

Why It's Important to Keep Your Older German Shepherd Mentally Stimulated

Dawn Season 5 Episode 7

Just because your German Shepherd is older doesn't necessarily mean he wants to lay around all day, letting life pass him by.

And you shouldn't want that for him either because it's not healthy.

Our older German Shepherds get bored doing the same thing day after day, week after week. And like us, they look forward to a little diversity in their day that provides them with mental stimulation.

This could be something as simple as a walk around the block, a "snifari" along a creek, or playing a game with treats with your dog on his bed.

These are all simple acts that get your older German Shepherd's neurons firing, which will benefit him in many ways.

Why does it matter if your older German Shepherd is mentally stimulated or not?

Like us, our older German Shepherds are prone to boredom if every day is the same. If monotony continues, depression can set in, and if that's not enough, lack of mental stimulation can promote canine cognitive dysfunction (Doggie Dementia).

You can read all about that here  >>>>


If you have an older German Shepherd who has mobility issues, there are still ways you can help keep him mentally stimulated. You can read more about it here. >>>>


Give a listen to the podcast to find out more.

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You can find Woody's Place Senior German Shepherd Sanctuary online at:


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